Think of B.Sc. life. Think of friends, lectures, practicals, library, canteen, coffee shop, and of course, exams! Suddenly, one day you will give your last year B.Sc. exam. What will you do after that? Ever given a thought? What after B.Sc.? Continued...

Last updated on July 15, 2009

What after B.Sc.?

'What after B.Sc.?', does this question ring a bell night after night? If yes, why not decided today what do you want to do after your B.Sc.? You must know what all if there for you. In other words, what Post Graduation options do I as a B.Sc. student have in the world dominated by Doctors, Engineers, etc. Hey, getting a stomach ache? Relax! There are many PG options available after you complete your B.Sc. It's just that you need to be well aware of the available options, about the eligibility criteria, where, when and how to apply, exam pattern, number of seats, etc.PG Options understands this critical B.Sc. student's need and will guide you in your quest to enroll into a good PG program. Of course, you will have to prepare smart and hard for that! We will source and publish the various PG options available for a student after B.Sc. and will keep you updated on the latest exams, dates, where to apply, websites, etc. We want the last reason for you to miss out on a good PG option to be that you were simply not aware!

Know The Right PG Option

Gone is the time when you became a graduate and landed into a posh job. Today, it's the era of the 'specialists'. As a student you should aim to become an expert in your chosen field. Only then you'll be 'in demand'.
No matter whichever PG program you take, Be absolutely sure about it. Ask yourself 'Do I really want to do this?' Don't just take up a PG program because your friends have enrolled in it. Remember, you came in this world with your own intelligence. You have a right to think for yourself as your decision today will impact you tomorrow. Make the best of now!

The diagram below shows the various PG options you have after you complete B.Sc.:

This is the conventional PG option that many B.Sc. graduates opt for. M.Sc. is a good PG option if you are serious about pursuing a career either in research or academics. Today, many specialized M.Sc. programs are available considering the continuous advancements in the field of Science. The much sought after M.Sc. programs are in the field of Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Microbiology. Besides, there will always be the core Botany op Zoology option. Then there are niche ones too like Environmental Science, Wildlife Biology & Conservation, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Sciences, etc.

Integrated Ph.D.
If you are strongly motivated and determined to pursue a career in research and at the same time boast an excellent academic record at the B.Sc. level, then you may consider the Integrated Ph.D. program. Although few institutes offer such a program but it nevertheless holds high value and offers a good learning curve in the field of Advanced Sciences.

Think you are smart, good in communication and possess excellent inter-personal skills? If yes, then may be you should consider the prospect of doing a MBA program. Today, many students from diverse streams apply for MBA. There lies a huge misconception in the mind of B.Sc. graduates that only Engineers can makea good MBA. Not true! Anybody can consider a MBA program as long as he (or she) is smart, has good analytical skills, likes to work in a team and can talk smart and wise to the extent that you sell 'sand' to a Sahara desert resident!

Now how is this PGDBM different from a MBA? Well, besidesthe abbreviation and the full form, nothing much is different. Do you know that the IIMs offer PGDM/PGDBM programs but not a MBA! Many colleges offer PGDBM and you should in no way think that PGDBM is an inferior cousin of MBA. You should always check out the credibility of the institute before applying for its PGDBM program.

Mass Communication
Are you good in communication? Do you think you can creatre the right kind of impact by your choice of words? If yes, then you should consider joining the media. Today, Mass Communication is one of the good options if you want to make it big in the field of media and advertising. Go for it if your are creative and have loads of ideas.
pg-options, 2009. All rights reserved.
PG-Options concept by maktion
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