Think of B.Sc. life. Think of friends, lectures, practicals, library, canteen, coffee shop, and of course, exams! Suddenly, one day you will give your last year B.Sc. exam. What will you do after that? Ever given a thought? What after B.Sc.? Continued...

Last updated on July 15, 2009

M.Sc. Life Sciences, School of Life Sciences, JNU, 2009

Name of Program: M.Sc. Life Sciences

Date of Entrance Examination: May 16, 2009 (Saturday)

Time of Entrance Examination: 2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.

(Picture Reference:

About the Program: An interdisciplinary course with environmental orientation, drawn from relevant areas of biological, chemical, earth and physical sciences.

Duration of Program: Two years full time

Number of Seats: Not available

Location: School of Life Sciences, JNU, New Delhi.

Eligibility Criteria: Bachelor's (B. Sc. or B Tech or equivalent) in Biological, Physical or Agricultural Sciences under the 10+2+3 pattern of education with at least 55% marks.

How to apply: Sets of Application Form and Prospectus can be obtained either in person or through post.

Where to apply: Deputy Registrar (Admissions), Room No. 28, Administrative Block, JNU, New Delhi.

Date of Issue of Application Forms: February 2, 2009 till March 6 (by post), March 16 (by cash), 2009

Last Date for Submitting Forms: March 16, 2009

Application Form Fee: Rs. 220/- (Bank draft)

Examination Centres: 51 cities across India

Selection Procedure: Selection on the basis of their performance in the nation-wide written test followed by viva-voice.

There will be two parts of Question Paper:

Question Paper Part I: All the questions shall be of objective multiple choice type questions of 10+2 science standard.

Question paper Part II: All the questions shall be of multiple choice type of B.Sc. standard from the subjects of Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics.

Sets containing Question Papers of previous 5 years (i.e. 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003) for various programmes of study are available by post or at JUN counter.

Result Announcement: July 3, 2009 (Despatch of communication for viva-voce examination on July 15, 2009)

Scholarships: Merit-cum-Means Scholarships/ G Parthasarathi Endowment Fellowship/ Dr. Sheila Zurbrigg Fellowship.

Direct Link:

Email Inquiries:

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