Think of B.Sc. life. Think of friends, lectures, practicals, library, canteen, coffee shop, and of course, exams! Suddenly, one day you will give your last year B.Sc. exam. What will you do after that? Ever given a thought? What after B.Sc.? Continued...

Last updated on July 15, 2009

M.Sc. Clinical Research Management, ICRI, 2009

Name of Program: M.Sc. Clinical Research Management (Awarded by a university recognized by UGC)

(Picture Reference:

About the Program: Institute of Clinical Research (India) is the premier institute dedicated to promoting ethical research and high-quality Clinical Research education in India. ICRI addresses the need for qualified and trained Clinical Research professionals by offering various programs in Clinical Research at its centre of excellence campuses.

Duration of Program: Two years full time

Number of Seats: 120

Location: ICRI Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad

Eligibility Criteria: A postgraduate or graduate in Bioscience/Life Sciences (with any of the following subjects: Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics, Biotech) with at least 50% marks in aggregate.

How to apply: Online application

Selection Procedure: The selection of individual student will undergo the following procedure - Written examination, Personal interview.
Screening and selection of students based on merit.

Direct Link:

Email Inquiries:

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