Think of B.Sc. life. Think of friends, lectures, practicals, library, canteen, coffee shop, and of course, exams! Suddenly, one day you will give your last year B.Sc. exam. What will you do after that? Ever given a thought? What after B.Sc.? Continued...

Last updated on July 15, 2009

Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (SURP) and Summer Out-Reach Program (SOP), Dr .B.R. Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research, University of Del

Name of Program: Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (SURP) and Summer Out-Reach Program (SOP), 2009

(Picture Reference:

About the Program: ACBR is organizing Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) of 14 weeks duration to impart practical training in various newly emerging research techniques in the multi-disciplinary areas of biotechnology. The purpose of organizing the courses is to reorient the existing manpower within a short period of time to meet the immediate requirement of expanding R&D activities in biotechnology within the country.
Summer Undergraduate Research program (SURP) is designed to enable college students with a strong interest in Biology/Chemistry to experience Laboratory.
Science Outreach Program (SOP) is designed to enable college students with a strong interest in Biology/Chemistry to experience Laboratory.

Duration of Program: Eight weeks (June - July, 2009)

Location: Dr .B.R. Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Eligibility Criteria: Senior Under-Graduate and Post Graduate students are considered.

How to apply: Interested students can send an application along with a copy of Bio-Data and a Demand Draft of Rs.250/-.

Where to apply: Director, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, North Campus.

Last date of application: April 30, 2009

Scholarship: The outstanding Students will be offered a Scholarship/Fellowship of Rs 2,500/- on completion of SURP.

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